Friday 7 October 2011

Zodiac Analysis

The opening sequence to Zodiac is once again just a normal scene showing people celebrating 4th of July. The girl in this scene looks anxious as she is driving through the diner. This builds suspense as the audience ask why she is like that. It then moves to the scene on the hill and the fire crackers being thrown at the car makes the audience on the edge of their seats. Then the car pulls up to them which builds suspense as we wonder why that person has pulled up next them and what they are going to do. But the suspense ends as the car goes away but then we hear an off-screen sound of tire screeches and another car come towards them. This time a man gets out of the car but we can only see an outline of the character as he has a flash light and car lights on. The characters in the car think that it is a police officer but as the man comes towards them he pulls out a gun and shoots both if them. This leaves the audience questioning why the man done that and they end up watching the rest of the film.

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